What is a BIA?
A BIA is an association of business people within a specified district who join together, with official approval of the City, to promote local economic development.
Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas website
It’s what we as business owners and property owners can do – together as a community – to improve our neighbourhood.
OVBIA Treasurer Mauricio Jimenez
Business Improvement Areas are volunteer organisations, led by volunteer Board Members.
In Toronto, Business Improvement Areas are Boards of the City. They are governed through Chapter 19 of the City of Toronto Act and fall within the realm of Economic Development, Art and Culture.
The general mandate of BIAs is to maintain and beautify commercial neighbourhoods beyond city service standards and to activate the public realm with public installations and events that by extensions nurture economic development within the designated area. BIAs are funded through a levy on commercial properties and actively pursue grants and community sponsorships to support the implementation of projects and programs.
The Oakwood Village Business Improvement Area (OVBIA)
Getting Involved
Our home is your main street. Together we make a community.
Most of our public realm interactions are developed with the surrounding community, residents and patrons in mind. Your participation and feedback through social media channels, responding to online projects and reaching out every so often means a lot to us. Please connect.
If you would like to lead or be part of a public event / installation or volunteer with the BIA please reach out.
OVBIA Board Meetings
Board Meetings are the last Monday of each month*. The Board meets 11 times per year and there is no meeting in December.
*The July 2024 meeting will be held on Monday, July 8th at 6pm at the Oakwood Village Public Library
If you would like to attend a Board Meeting please contact the BIA.